Education out Loud (EOL)
Education Out Loud is the Global Partnership for Education’s fund for advocacy and social accountability established in April 2019.

Civil Society Education Fund (CSEF)
The Civil Society Education Fun ( CSEF) is a unique and ambitious global program that supports citizen engagement in Education sector, policy, planning, budgeting and Monitoring.

Commonwealth Education Fund (CEF)
CEF works with CSOs in commonwealth countries to support education and gender.

German backup for education
The GIZ is the main German development agency headquartered in Bonn and Eschborn that provides services in the field of international development corporation and international education work.
Education in The Gambia is of good quality, equitable, inclusive, and accessible to al
To build an informed and skilled network of NGOs/CSOs to achieve a coordinated and credible advocacy for the rights of all to achieve good quality education by 2030 and beyond
- Effective stakeholder participation
- Mutual trust, respect and understanding
- Impact and benefits focused
- Accountability and transparency
- Effective communication
- Pro-poor strategies and programmes
- Volunteerism
- Gender sensitivity
- Inclusion
- Honesty
Our Mandate is to build the capacity of civil society organizations to participate effectively in the advocacy for education for all.
- To mobilize, build and strengthen capacity of Civil Society Organizations;
- To advocate for the attainment of the inclusive, quality education for all and other related goals at national, regional and international levels;
- To complement government efforts to develop holistic policies, plans and frameworks for the Implementation, monitoring and evaluation of EFA goals and strategic frameworks;
- To advocate for the effective decentralization of education management;
- To effectively participate in the formulation; implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of education policies and plans in The Gambia and beyond;
To provide evidence based research that influences decision making in education especially the most vulnerable and disadvantage groups and regions

Education is a fundamental human right for every child.
About Us
EFANet is a National Education Coalition that advocate for the realization of quality education for all in The Gambia. The network also aims to influence policy changes by mobilizing, building and strengthening the capacity of civil society effectively for the realization, of quality education for all. EFANet was established in 2002, in response to the Dakar Framework for Action (2000), which called for civil society participation in the formulation, implementation and monitoring of education policies and for regular dialogue with government in the implementation of these policies.
Advocacy Message
Ensure Inclusive and Equitable Quality Education and promote Livelong Learning Opportunities For All
Increase Education Financing for National Inclusion and Equity
Digitalize Education for Safe Learning during Emergency Situation